(A) Abstract/Paper Category

1. Free Paper
2. Poster Paper
3. Poster innovation


The Abstract should not be more than 250 words (excluding title and author names).It should be structured as follows(except for Case Reports):

    a) Introduction,
    b)Aims & Objectives,
    c) Material & Methods (including statistical methods where relevant),
    d) Results and
    e) Conclusions.

The abstract should include title,authors’names (with the presenting author’s name underlined)and the place of study. The text should be typed in Times New Roman Font size 11, single space.

List of Sub-specialty categories under which abstract can be submitted:

a. Cardiology(CAR)
b. Community Neonatology(CP)
c. Endocrinology (ENDO)
d. Gastroenterology (GE)
e. Genetics(GENE)
f. Growth & Development (GD)
g. Hematology-Oncology (HO)
h. Infectious Diseases(ID)
i. Intensive Care(IC)
j. Nephrology(NEP)
k. Neurology(NEU)
l. Nutrition(NUT)
m. Quality improvement (QI)
n. Respiratory(RESP)
o. Miscellaneous

(B) Award Paper Category

1. NNF Gold Medal Award
2. NNF Social Neonatology Gold Medal Award

Instructions & Submission Format

1. The Soft copy of the full paper and its structured abstract (as indicated for free papers) should be submitted.
2. Only one paper for the award category will be accepted from anyone NNF Member.
3. Presenting author must be a member of central NNF(should quote their Central NNF membership number while submitting their paper).Papers from non-members will not be accepted for award category.
4. The age of the first author for submission of award paper should be less than  45 Years as on January 01, 202(Please upload proof of age).
5. The total number of authors should not exceed five.There is no age restriction for co-authors.
6. Any author who has been recipient of the award in the past for which the paper is being submitted is not eligible to submit a paper for the same award category again; howevers/he can be a co-author.
7. The FULL award paper and its abstract should be submitted in the style of “JournalofNeonatology”  ( max. 3000 words, excluding abstract, tables, figures and references; abstract word limit is 250  words, 3- 5 tables and figures)(see:Journal of Neonatology-https://journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/NNT)
8. The author and institution details should be mentioned only on the title page of the paper. Rest of the paper including the methods section should not contain any identifying information to allow blinded evaluation.
9. The abstract should be structured as follows:
     a) Introduction,
     b) Aims & Objectives,
     c) Materials & Methods(including statistical methods where relevant)
     d) Results
     e) Conclusions.
The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
10. The submitted manuscript should be typed inTimesRoman Font,size11 (double space)

Note:-(1) Paper's which have been sent under award paper category their first author must be a life member of NNF.

Note (2): The papers submitted for the award category which are not accepted for presentation, will be considered for oral presentation in the free paper category as per the decision of the evaluation committee.

Note:-(3) It is mandatory for all those whose submitted papers have been accepted for presentation at NEOCON 2024 to be registered for the conference (the conference registration fee will be as applicable at time of registration).

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