WHO Resources

S.NO Title View Details
1 WHO recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal experience
2 Essential Newborn Care
3 Universal newborn screening: Implementation guidance
4 Engaging the private sector in delivering quality maternal, newborn and child health services
5 Toolkit for implementation of the WHO intrapartum care and immediate postnatal care recommendations in health-care facilities
6 Kangaroo mother care: a transformative innovation in health care
7 Born too soon: decade of action on preterm birth
8 Improving maternal and newborn health and survival and reducing stillbirth - Progress report 2023
9 WHO recommendations for care of the preterm or low-birth-weight infant
10 Nurturing care practice guide: strengthening nurturing care through health and nutrition services
11 Essential Childbirth Care Course Module 1. Introduction - Facilitator's Guide
12 WHO recommendations on antenatal corticosteroids for improving preterm birth outcomes
13 Early essential newborn care: clinical practice pocket guide, 2nd edition
14 Success stories in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health: a regional compendium from WHO South-East Asia Region
15 Five functions to improve quality of care for maternal newborn and child health
16 Birth defects surveillance: quick reference handbook of selected congenital anomalies and infections
17 Positive Parenting
18 Newborn Health